Classic 8 Ball pool with full-functioning multiplayer mode. With this game, you can play a friend right next to you using offline mode, or play friends from all across the globe using multiplayer mode. Multiplayer mode was created using Photon. This game was very difficult to make, as I had to teach myself Photon with zero experience, and took me much longer than any other previous project has. Please leave any feedback you may have in the comments.


After a player hits a ball, each player is designated solids or stripes (unless a player hits one each in--In this scenario, solids/stripes are designated in a later turn). If you hit the 8 ball before any other ball--whether assigned a color or not--it is a scratch. If you hit the cue ball into a pocket at any point,  it is a scratch (the other gets to place the cue ball anywhere). After being assigned a color, you cannot hit the other player's ball first, or hit them in, as either action would result in a scratch. Once a player hits all their balls, they can hit the 8 ball. Before a player attempts to hit the 8 ball in, they must call a pocket. Hitting the 8 ball into an incorrect pocket, scratching while hitting the 8 ball in, or hitting the 8 ball in prematurely is an automatic loss. Hitting in the 8 ball without a foul results in a win.


Click(Left Click) and drag to aim and hit the cue ball.

Click(Right Click) and drag to move around the cue ball after a scratch.

Click(Left Click) any of the corners to call a pocket before targeting 8 balls.

Esc. to un-call a pocket or to cancel hitting the ball.


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Awesome game! Wish there was an options to turn off the music though (;

That should be a quick fix, I'll add it in the next few days when I get a chance. Thanks for playing.

Thank you! Nice clean game, I like it!

Just added a volume toggle, thanks for the feedback.

Awesome thanks 👍 

Very cool)