Submission To ZenoJam

When a stray balloon floats up, it has one goal... to make it all the way to the Sun. The balloon will inevitably pop, but a pop by the hands of the Sun is more honorable than a pop by a falling nail. Guide your balloon to it's peaceful pop by the Sun. Test your reaction time by dodging the quickly falling nails.

There are 10 levels, and each successive level has more falling nails than the last.

Move your mouse to dodge the falling nails.

Attributions for artwork:

Cloud icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Cloud icons created by iconixar - Flaticon Cloud computing icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Nail icons created by Slidicon - Flaticon Construction and tools icons created by Mayor Icons - Flaticon Sun icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Balloon icons created by Stockio - Flaticon


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Good story.)